Stringsql="select ug.group_id, ug.group_name, count(u.uid) count, group_concat(ugf.fun_id) funs from fc_user_group ug, fc_user_group_fun ugf, fc_user u where ugf.group_id = ug.group_id and u.group_id = ug.group_id"+StringUtil.join(" and "," and "," "," ",argEdit.getStringList())+"group by ug.group_id, group_name";
Stringsql="select ug.group_id, ug.group_name, count(u.uid) count, group_concat(ugf.fun_id) funs from fc_user_group ug, fc_user_group_fun ugf, fc_user u where ugf.group_id = ug.group_id and u.group_id = ug.group_id"+StringUtil.join(" and "," and "," "," ",argEdit.getStringList())+"group by ug.group_id, ug.group_name";