Commit 2654b70e authored by Quxl's avatar Quxl


parent b382117e
......@@ -377,15 +377,15 @@ public class ReviewServiceImpl implements ReviewService {
Fc_review review = jdbcTemplate.queryForBean("select * from fc_review where id = ?", Fc_review.class, review_id);
List<Fc_review_record> records = jdbcTemplate.queryForBeans("select * from fc_review_record where review_id = ? and review_round = ?", Fc_review_record.class, review.getId(), review.getReview_round());
Integer review_round = review.getReview_round();
Integer enroll_type_id = review.getEnroll_type_id();
Integer review_state = this.reviewStateElection(records);
if(review_state == null) {//未完
Integer enroll_type_id = review.getEnroll_type_id();
if(review_state.intValue() == 2) {//否决
jdbcTemplate.executeUpdate("update fc_review set opt_state = 3, review_state = 2 where id = ?", review.getId());
if(review_state.intValue() == -1) {//争议
} else if(review_state.intValue() == -1) {//争议
if(enroll_type_id.intValue() == 4 && review_round.intValue() == 4 && this.queryRoundReviewCount(review.getId(), review_round) >= 2) {//展映把关已经产生两次争议,需要审片委员会介入
} else if(enroll_type_id.intValue() == 4 && review_round.intValue() == 5) {
......@@ -393,15 +393,13 @@ public class ReviewServiceImpl implements ReviewService {
} else {
jdbcTemplate.executeUpdate("update fc_review set opt_state = 1, allot_state = 0 where id = ?", review.getId());
if(review_round.intValue() == 1) {//审片第一轮都一样
} else if(review_round.intValue() == 1) {//审片第一轮都一样
if(review_state.intValue() == 1) {
} else {
throw new XRException("第1轮审片结论错误,正确应为:通过,否决");
if(enroll_type_id.intValue() == 4) {//展映
} else if(enroll_type_id.intValue() == 4) {//展映
if(review_round.intValue() == 2) {//二选
if(review_state.intValue() == 1) {
this.toNextRound(review.getId(), 2);
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