StringcreateDateSql="select count(id) count, DATE_FORMAT((select from_unixtime(create_time)),'%Y-%m-%d') date from fc_member_film where create_time >= ? and create_time <= ? group by date";
StringuploadDateSql="select count(id) count, DATE_FORMAT(upload_time,'%Y-%m-%d') date from fc_member_film where upload_state = 1 and upload_time >= ? and upload_time <= ? group by date";
StringtotalCountSql="select count(id) from fc_member_film where upload_state = 1 and upload_time >= ? and upload_time <= ?";
StringcreateDateSql="select count(id) count, DATE_FORMAT((select from_unixtime(create_time)),'%Y-%m-%d') date from fc_member_film where create_time >= ? and create_time < ? group by date";
StringuploadDateSql="select count(id) count, DATE_FORMAT(upload_time,'%Y-%m-%d') date from fc_member_film where upload_state = 1 and upload_time >= ? and upload_time < ? group by date";
StringtotalCountSql="select count(id) from fc_member_film where upload_state = 1 and upload_time >= ? and upload_time < ?";