Commit 816a6767 authored by Quxl's avatar Quxl


parent d938ba19
......@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ public class CountryServiceImpl implements CountryService {
// String jsonAsia = "[ { \"China\": \"中国\" }, { \"HongKong China\": \"中国香港\" }, { \"Macao China\": \"中国澳门\" }, { \"Taiwan China\": \"中国台湾\" }, { \"Mongolia\": \"蒙古\" }, { \"North Korea\": \"朝鲜\" }, { \"South Korea\": \"韩国\" }, { \"Japan\": \"日本\" }, { \"Philippines\": \"菲律宾\" }, { \"Vietnam\": \"越南\" }, { \"Laos\": \"老挝\" }, { \"Cambodia\": \"柬埔寨\" }, { \"Myanmar\": \"缅甸\" }, { \"Thailand\": \"泰国\" }, { \"Malaysia\": \"马来西亚\" }, { \"Brunei\": \"文莱\" }, { \"Singapore\": \"新加坡\" }, { \"Indonesia\": \"印度尼西亚\" }, { \"Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste\": \"东帝汶\" }, { \"Nepal\": \"尼泊尔\" }, { \"Bhutan\": \"不丹\" }, { \"Bangladesh\": \"孟加拉国\" }, { \"India\": \"印度\" }, { \"Pakistan\": \"巴基斯坦\" }, { \"Sri Lanka\": \"斯里兰卡\" }, { \"Maldives\": \"马尔代夫\" }, { \"Kazakhstan\": \"哈萨克斯坦\" }, { \"Kyrgyzstan\": \"吉尔吉斯斯坦\" }, { \"Tajikistan\": \"塔吉克斯坦\" }, { \"Uzbekistan\": \"乌兹别克斯坦\" }, { \"Turkmenistan\": \"土库曼斯坦\" }, { \"Afghanistan\": \"阿富汗\" }, { \"Iraq\": \"伊拉克\" }, { \"Iran\": \"伊朗\" }, { \"Syria\": \"叙利亚\" }, { \"Jordan\": \"约旦\" }, { \"Lebanon\": \"黎巴嫩\" }, { \"Israel\": \"以色列\" }, { \"Palestinian Territory\": \"巴勒斯坦\" }, { \"Saudi Arabia\": \"沙特阿拉伯\" }, { \"Bahrain\": \"巴林 \" }, { \"Qatar\": \"卡塔尔\" }, { \"Kuwait\": \"科威特\" }, { \"United Arab Emirates\": \"阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)\" }, { \"Oman\": \"阿曼\" }, { \"Yemen\": \"也门\" }, { \"Georgia\": \"格鲁吉亚\" }, { \"Armenia\": \"亚美尼亚\" }, { \"Azerbaijan\": \"阿塞拜疆\" }, { \"Turkey\": \"土耳其\" }, { \"Cyprus\": \"塞浦路斯\" } ]";
String jsonAll = Common.getStringAsStream("doc/country.json");
String jsonAsia = Common.getStringAsStream("doc/country_asia.json");
private static final String jsonAll = Common.getStringAsStream("doc/country.json");
private static final String jsonAsia = Common.getStringAsStream("doc/country_asia.json");
public List<Map<String, String>> queryCountryList() {
List<Map<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
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