returnjdbcTemplate.limit("select l.*, le.ext from fc_logs l left join fc_logs_ext le on le.path = l.path"+(StringUtil.isNotBlank(type)?" where l.type = '"+type.toUpperCase()+"'":""),page);
Stringsql="select l.*, le.ext, ifnull(ifnull(u.username, m.username), a.realname) username from fc_logs l left join fc_logs_ext le on le.path = l.path left join fc_user u on u.uid = l.loginid and l.type = 'USER' left join fc_member m on = l.loginid and l.type = 'MEMBER' left join fc_admin a on a.adminid = l.loginid and l.type = 'ADMIN'";
sql="select t.* from ("+sql+") t"+StringUtil.join(" and "," where ","","",where.getStringList());