Commit 2663e65e authored by Quxl's avatar Quxl


parent 14ac6343
......@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ public class CartRedisServiceImpl implements CartRedisService {
//+ "DELETE mmm FROM tCart mmm WHERE mmm.sShopNO = '" + shopNo + "' AND EXISTS ( SELECT NULL FROM tAgentContractGoods nnn WHERE nnn.nGoodsID = mmm.nGoodsID AND nnn.sAgentContractNO = mmm.sAgentContractNO AND (nnn.nTag & 16 = 0 or nnn.nTag & 1 = 1) AND mmm.sShopNO = '" + shopNo + "' )" + Util.LINE_SEPARATOR
+ "DELETE tCart WHERE sShopNO = '" + shopNo + "' AND nTag = 1 AND sPromoPaperNO IN (" + sqlClearPromoNo + ")" + Util.LINE_SEPARATOR
+ "UPDATE tCart SET sPromoGroupNO = NULL, sPromoPaperNO = NULL WHERE sShopNO = '" + shopNo + "' AND sPromoPaperNO IN (" + sqlClearPromoNo + ")";
String sqlACart = "select *, (case when nTag&1 = 1 or nTag&16 = 0 then 1 else 0 end) isInvalid from V_Cart where sOrgNO = '" + orgNo + "' and sShopNO = '" + shopNo + "' order by nIdx";
String sqlACart = "select * from V_Cart where sOrgNO = '" + orgNo + "' and sShopNO = '" + shopNo + "' order by nIdx";
String sqlp = ""
+ " SELECT "
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