Commit 29b05793 authored by 张永's avatar 张永

需求 #17311

parent bbb2f8c3
......@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ public class CommonController {
Map<String, Object> hmap = readJdbcTemplate.queryForMap("select sDesc, sSysTypeID, sSysType, sValue1, sValue2, sValue3, sMemo, sValue4, sValue5 from tAgentSystemCtrl where sCode ='MinOrderAmountType' and nAgentID = "+agentID+" and nTag&1 = 0 ");
Map<String, Object> lmap = readJdbcTemplate.queryForMap("select sDesc, sSysTypeID, sSysType, sValue1, sValue2, sValue3, sMemo, sValue4, sValue5 from tAgentSystemCtrl where sCode ='AppSolrSortRule' and nAgentID = "+agentID+" and nTag&1 = 0 "); //排序字段
Map<String, Object> mmap = readJdbcTemplate.queryForMap("select sDesc, sSysTypeID, sSysType, sValue1, sValue2, sValue3, sMemo, sValue4, sValue5 from tAgentSystemCtrl where sCode ='IsShowSysFee' and nAgentID = "+agentID+" and nTag&1 = 0 "); //排序字段
Map<String, Object> nmap = readJdbcTemplate.queryForMap("select sDesc, sSysTypeID, sSysType, sValue1, sValue2, sValue3, sMemo, sValue4, sValue5 from tAgentSystemCtrl where sCode ='IsAllowCouponPay' and nAgentID = "+agentID+" and nTag&1 = 0 "); //经销商是否允许优惠券支付
List<Map<String, Object>> payTypes = readJdbcTemplate.queryForList("select sSalesOrderPayTypeID, sSalesOrderPayType from tOrgPayType where sOrgNO = ? and nTag&1=0 order by nSort desc", sOrgNO);
List<Map<String, Object>> goodsTags = readJdbcTemplate.queryForList("select sGoodsTagID, sGoodsTag from tOrgGoodsTag where sOrgNO = ? and nTag&1 = 0", sOrgNO);
......@@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ public class CommonController {
AppSystemInfo = readJdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql, sOrgNO, appId);
} catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {}
return Rjx.jsonOk().set("OrgInfo", map).set("PicInfo", omap).set("ExemptCheck", cmap).set("BusinessModel", bmap).set("BrandFilter", dmap).set("AliyunOssStyle", emap).set("ShowStockQty", fmap).set("IsShowSwitch", gmap).set("MinOrderAmountType", hmap)
.set("payTypes", payTypes).set("goodsTags", goodsTags).set("AppSystemInfo", AppSystemInfo).set("shareInfo", shareInfo).set("AppSolrSortRule", lmap).set("IsShowSysFee", mmap).toJson();
.set("payTypes", payTypes).set("goodsTags", goodsTags).set("AppSystemInfo", AppSystemInfo).set("shareInfo", shareInfo).set("AppSolrSortRule", lmap).set("IsShowSysFee", mmap).set("IsAllowCouponPay", nmap).toJson();
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