@@ -161,11 +161,12 @@ public class GoodsServiceImpl implements GoodsService {
StringgSql="select t.*, ap.nRealSalePrice nApSalePrice from V_OrgGoods t left join tAgentCustTypePrice ap on ap.sCustTypeID = ? and ap.sAgentContractNO = t.sAgentContractNO and ap.nGoodsID = t.nGoodsID where t.sOrgNO = ? and t.sAgentContractNO = ? and t.nGoodsID = ?";
StringgSql="select t.*, ap.nRealSalePrice nApSalePrice from V_OrgGoods t left join tAgentCustTypePrice ap on ap.sCustTypeID = ? and ap.sAgentContractNO = t.sAgentContractNO and ap.nGoodsID = t.nGoodsID where t.sOrgNO = ? and t.sAgentContractNO = ? and t.nGoodsID = ? and t.nAgentID = ? ";
@@ -173,8 +174,8 @@ public class GoodsServiceImpl implements GoodsService {
Stringsql="select t.nGoodsID, t.sSubCode, t.nParentID, t.sSpecName, t.sSpec, isnull(ap.nRealSalePrice, og.nRealSalePrice) nRealSalePrice, nStockQty = og.nRealStockQty, og.nLockedQty from tGoodsSubCode t left join V_OrgGoods og on og.sOrgNO = ? and og.sAgentContractNO = ? and og.nGoodsID = t.nGoodsID left join tAgentCustTypePrice ap on ap.sCustTypeID = ? and ap.sAgentContractNO = og.sAgentContractNO and ap.nGoodsID = og.nGoodsID where t.nParentID = ? and t.nTag&1 = 0";
Stringsql="select t.nGoodsID, t.sSubCode, t.nParentID, t.sSpecName, t.sSpec, isnull(ap.nRealSalePrice, og.nRealSalePrice) nRealSalePrice, nStockQty = og.nRealStockQty, og.nLockedQty from tGoodsSubCode t left join V_OrgGoods og on og.sOrgNO = ? and og.sAgentContractNO = ? and og.nGoodsID = t.nGoodsID left join tAgentCustTypePrice ap on ap.sCustTypeID = ? and ap.sAgentContractNO = og.sAgentContractNO and ap.nGoodsID = og.nGoodsID where t.nParentID = ? and t.nTag&1 = 0 and og.nAgentID = ? ";
StringpromoSql="select pm.* from tYWPromoMain pm, tYWPromoDtl pd, tPromoCustBWList bw where pm.sPromoPaperNO = bw.sPromoPaperNO and bw.sShopNO = ? and pm.sPromoActionTypeID != '3' and pm.sOrgNO = ? and pm.sPromoPaperNO = pd.sPromoPaperNO and pm.nTag&3 = 2 and (pd.sAgentContractNO = ?) and (pd.nGoodsID = ?)";
StringpromoSql="select pm.* from tYWPromoMain pm, tYWPromoDtl pd, tPromoCustBWList bw ,tAgentContract ac where pd.sAgentContractNO = ac.sAgentContractNO and ac.nTag&3 = 2 and pm.sPromoPaperNO = bw.sPromoPaperNO and bw.sShopNO = ? and pm.sPromoActionTypeID != '3' and pm.sOrgNO = ? and pm.sPromoPaperNO = pd.sPromoPaperNO and pm.nTag&3 = 2 and (pd.sAgentContractNO = ?) and (pd.nGoodsID = ?) and ac.nAgentID = ? ";
@@ -271,15 +272,15 @@ public class GoodsServiceImpl implements GoodsService {
sCustTypeID=jdbcTemplate.queryForString("select c.sCustTypeID from tCustomer c, tShop s where c.sCustNO = s.sCustNO and s.sShopNO = ?",shopNo);
sCustTypeID=jdbcTemplate.queryForString("select c.sCustTypeID from tCustomer c, tShop s where c.sCustNO = s.sCustNO and s.sShopNO = ? and c.nAgentID = ? ",shopNo,agentID);
Stringsql="select t.sAgentContractNO, t.nGoodsID, nStockQty = t.nRealStockQty, t.nDefaultPrice, isnull(ap.nRealSalePrice, t.nRealSalePrice) nRealSalePrice from V_OrgGoods t left join tAgentCustTypePrice ap on ap.sCustTypeID = '"+sCustTypeID+"' and t.sAgentContractNO = ap.sAgentContractNO and t.nGoodsID = ap.nGoodsID where t.sOrgNO = '"+orgNo+"' "+StringUtil.join(" OR "," and (",")"," and (1 = 0) ",args);
Stringsql="select t.sAgentContractNO, t.nGoodsID, nStockQty = t.nRealStockQty, t.nDefaultPrice, isnull(ap.nRealSalePrice, t.nRealSalePrice) nRealSalePrice from V_OrgGoods t left join tAgentCustTypePrice ap on ap.sCustTypeID = '"+sCustTypeID+"' and t.sAgentContractNO = ap.sAgentContractNO and t.nGoodsID = ap.nGoodsID where t.nAgentID = "+agentID+" and t.sOrgNO = '"+orgNo+"' "+StringUtil.join(" OR "," and (",")"," and (1 = 0) ",args);
Stringsql1="select t.sAgentContractNO, t.nGoodsID, p.sPromoTheme, p.sPromoName, p.sPromoPaperNO, p.sPromoActionTypeID, t.sGroupNO sPromoGroupNO from tYWPromoDtl t, tYWPromoMain p where p.sPromoActionTypeID != '3' and t.sPromoPaperNO = p.sPromoPaperNO and p.nTag&3 = 2 and p.sOrgNO = '"+orgNo+"' "+StringUtil.join(" OR "," and (",")"," and (1 = 0) ",args)+" group by t.sAgentContractNO, t.nGoodsID, p.sPromoTheme, p.sPromoName, p.sPromoPaperNO, p.sPromoActionTypeID, t.sGroupNO";
Stringsql1="select t.sAgentContractNO, t.nGoodsID, p.sPromoTheme, p.sPromoName, p.sPromoPaperNO, p.sPromoActionTypeID, t.sGroupNO sPromoGroupNO from tYWPromoDtl t, tYWPromoMain p,tAgentContract a where t.sAgentContractNO = a.sAgentContractNO and a.nTag&3 = 2 and a.nAgentID = "+agentID+" and p.sPromoActionTypeID != '3' and t.sPromoPaperNO = p.sPromoPaperNO and p.nTag&3 = 2 and p.sOrgNO = '"+orgNo+"' "+StringUtil.join(" OR "," and (",")"," and (1 = 0) ",args)+" group by t.sAgentContractNO, t.nGoodsID, p.sPromoTheme, p.sPromoName, p.sPromoPaperNO, p.sPromoActionTypeID, t.sGroupNO";
+" WHERE sOrgNO = ? AND sAdPositionTypeID = ? AND b.dStartTime <=getdate() AND b.dEndTime >= getdate() AND b.nTag&2 = 2";
+" from tBannerAd b , tCustomer c "
+" WHERE sOrgNO = ? AND sAdPositionTypeID = ? AND b.dStartTime <=getdate() AND b.dEndTime >= getdate() AND b.nTag&2 = 2 and b.nAgentID = c.nAgentID and c.nTag&2 = 2 and c.sCustNO = ? ";