+" FROM tShopPayType a,tPayType b,tShop s WHERE a.sPayTypeID = b.sPayTypeID AND a.nShopID = s.nShopID AND s.sShopNO = ? and s.nAgentID = ? ORDER BY b.nOrd";
StringsqlCustBwList="select bw.sPromoPaperNO from tPromoCustBWList bw, tCustomer c, tShop s where bw.sShopNO = c.sCustTypeID and c.sCustNO = s.sCustNO and s.sShopNO = '"+shopNo+"'";
@@ -960,7 +982,8 @@ public class CartQueryServiceImpl implements CartQueryService {
//+ "DELETE tCart WHERE sShopNO = '" + shopNo + "' AND nTag = 1 AND sPromoPaperNO IN (" + sqlClearPromoNo + ")" + Util.LINE_SEPARATOR
//+ "UPDATE tCart SET sPromoGroupNO = NULL, sPromoPaperNO = NULL WHERE sShopNO = '" + shopNo + "' AND sPromoPaperNO IN (" + sqlClearPromoNo + ")" + Util.LINE_SEPARATOR
//+ "UPDATE tCart SET sPromoGroupNO = NULL, sPromoPaperNO = NULL WHERE sShopNO = '" + shopNo + "' AND sPromoPaperNO NOT IN (" + sqlCustBwList + ")";
StringsqlACart="select t.*, ap.nRealSalePrice nApSalePrice from V_Cart t left join tAgentCustTypePrice ap on ap.sCustTypeID = '"+sCustTypeID+"' and ap.sAgentContractNO = t.sAgentContractNO and ap.nGoodsID = t.nGoodsID where t.sOrgNO = '"+orgNo+"' and t.sShopNO = '"+shopNo+"' order by t.nIdx";
StringsqlACart="select t.*, ap.nRealSalePrice nApSalePrice from V_Cart t left join tAgentCustTypePrice ap on ap.sCustTypeID = '"+sCustTypeID+"'"
+" and ap.sAgentContractNO = t.sAgentContractNO and ap.nGoodsID = t.nGoodsID where t.sOrgNO = '"+orgNo+"' and t.sShopNO = '"+shopNo+"' and ap.sShopTypeID = '"+sShopTypeID+"' and ap.sUnitTypeID = '' order by t.nIdx";