Commit 78e767be authored by Quxl's avatar Quxl


parent 375b33dd
......@@ -26,9 +26,32 @@ public class FilmGroupServiceImpl implements FilmGroupService {
public List<Map<String, Object>> queryFilmListByGroupId(Integer group_id) {
return jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select id, film_group_id, create_time, last_modify_time, film_no, en_name, cn_name from fc_member_film where film_group_id = ?", group_id);
String sql = ""
+ "select "
+ ", "
+ "mf.film_group_id, "
+ "mf.create_time, "
+ "mf.enroll_type_name, "
+ "mf.film_type_name, "
+ "mf.last_modify_time, "
+ "mf.film_no, "
+ "mf.en_name, "
+ "mf.cn_name, "
+ "r.review_state, "
+ " review_id "
+ "from "
+ "fc_member_film mf "
+ "left join fc_review r on r.film_id = and r.opt_state = 3 "
+ "where "
+ "mf.film_group_id is not null and mf.film_group_id = ?";
return jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, group_id);
public static void main(String[] args) {
new FilmGroupServiceImpl().queryFilmListByGroupId(null);
public void updateFilmGroupId(Integer[] film_id, Integer group_id) {
Integer[][] args = new Integer[film_id.length][];
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