Commit a85ea04a authored by Quxl's avatar Quxl


parent 7d6830e1
......@@ -559,8 +559,9 @@ public class FilmServiceImpl implements FilmService {
+ "fc_member_film f, "
+ "fc_member_film f2 "
+ "where "
+ "(f.apply_state = 2) "
+ "and (((f.en_name = f2.en_name or (f.en_name is null and f2.en_name is null)) and (f.cn_name = f2.cn_name or (f.cn_name is null and f2.cn_name is null))) "
+ "f.apply_state = 2 "
+ "and (f.en_name = f2.en_name or (f.en_name is null and f2.en_name is null)) "
+ "and (f.cn_name = f2.cn_name or (f.cn_name is null and f2.cn_name is null)) "
+ "and = ? "
+ "and != ?";
List<Fc_member_film> list = jdbcTemplate.queryForBeans(sql0, Fc_member_film.class, filmId, filmId);
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