Commit 8974c0a3 authored by Quxl's avatar Quxl


parent 56b1daec
......@@ -535,9 +535,9 @@ public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {
Map<String, Object> custMap = jdbcTemplate.queryForMap("select * from tCustomer where sCustNO = ?", custNo);
String sMobile = (String)custMap.get("sMobile");
jdbcTemplate.update("update tCustomer set sCustName = ?, sSalesmanNO1 = ?, nStoreCount = ? where sCustNO = ?", customerName, salesmanNO1, storeCount, custNo);
jdbcTemplate.update("update tCustomer set sCustName = ?, sSalesmanNO1 = ?, nStoreCount = ?, sMemo = ? where sCustNO = ?", customerName, salesmanNO1, storeCount, memo, custNo);
jdbcTemplate.update("update tCustomer set nTag = 4 where sCustNO = ? and nTag&2 != 2", custNo);
jdbcTemplate.update("update tShop set sShopName = ?, sMainBusiness = ?, sProvinceID = ?, sCityID = ?, sDistrictID = ?, sProvince = ?, sCity = ?, sDistrict = ?, sAddress = ?, sEmail = ?, sMemo = ?, sSalesmanNO1 = ? where sShopNO = ?", shopName, mainBusiness, provinceId, cityId, districtId, provinceName, cityName, districtName, address, email, memo, salesmanNO1, shopNo);
jdbcTemplate.update("update tShop set sShopName = ?, sMainBusiness = ?, sProvinceID = ?, sCityID = ?, sDistrictID = ?, sProvince = ?, sCity = ?, sDistrict = ?, sAddress = ?, sEmail = ?, sSalesmanNO1 = ? where sShopNO = ?", shopName, mainBusiness, provinceId, cityId, districtId, provinceName, cityName, districtName, address, email, salesmanNO1, shopNo);
List<Map<String, Object>> addrList = jdbcTemplate.queryForList("select * from tCustAddress where sCustNO = ? and sShopNO = ? and nTag&5 = 4", custNo, shopNo);
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