@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ public class GoodsServiceImpl implements GoodsService {
StringsCustTypeID=jdbcTemplate.queryForString("select c.sCustTypeID from tCustomer c, tShop s where c.sCustNO = s.sCustNO and s.sShopNO = ?",shopNo);
Stringsql="select t.sAgentContractNO, t.nGoodsID, t.nStockQty, isnull(alp.nRealSalePrice, t.nRealSalePrice) nRealSalePrice from V_OrgGoods t left join tAgentCustTypePrice ap on ap.sCustTypeID = "+sCustTypeID+" and t.sAgentContractNO = ap.sAgentContractNO and t.nGoodsID = ap.nGoodsID where t.sOrgNO = '"+orgNo+"' "+StringUtil.join(" OR "," and (",")"," and (1 = 0) ",args);
Stringsql="select t.sAgentContractNO, t.nGoodsID, t.nStockQty, isnull(alp.nRealSalePrice, t.nRealSalePrice) nRealSalePrice from V_OrgGoods t left join tAgentCustTypePrice ap on ap.sCustTypeID = '"+sCustTypeID+"' and t.sAgentContractNO = ap.sAgentContractNO and t.nGoodsID = ap.nGoodsID where t.sOrgNO = '"+orgNo+"' "+StringUtil.join(" OR "," and (",")"," and (1 = 0) ",args);